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Strategies for Coping With Nervousness When Flying


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Are you feeling anxious or nervous about your upcoming flight?

You’re not alone. Many people experience a range of emotions when they fly, from mild apprehension to full-blown panic attacks. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help you cope with those feelings and take control of the situation. In this post, we explore eight effective strategies for managing nervousness when flying so that you can feel more confident in the air.

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Emirates airplane seat
Emirates airplane seat

8 Strategies for Coping With Nervousness When Flying

Here are our top flight anxiety tips.

1. Recognize the Signs of Nervousness and Accept That It Is Normal

It is normal to feel anxious or nervous when flying.

When feeling nervous about a flight, physical symptoms like sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness, and shortness of breath may arise. These sensations can be uncomfortable but they don’t necessarily mean something is wrong – they are just part of the natural response to stress. Acknowledging this fact will help reduce some of the anxiety associated with these feelings.

It’s also important to understand that fear isn’t a sign of weakness; in fact, many people experience fear when faced with potentially dangerous situations such as flying on an airplane. This fear serves an evolutionary purpose – it keeps us safe by alerting us to potential threats so we can respond accordingly. Accepting this basic truth will make it easier for you to cope with your feelings rather than trying to ignore or suppress them.

Read more: The Art of Comfortable Flying – Accessories and Tips for Better Air Travel

2. Know Your Triggers (What Makes You Feel More Stressed)

For some it’s coffee and tea.

For you it might be all these unhealthy and sugary snacks you usually indulge yourself with right before the flight. Knowing your triggers is an important step towards managing your stress levels while flying.

3. Practice Deep Breathing Exercises to Help Calm Your Nerves

Deep breathing exercises can be a great way to calm your nerves when flying.

Start by taking a few deep breaths in through your nose, counting to four on the inhale and then counting to four as you exhale. Concentrate on the sensation of air passing in and out of your lungs and the various muscle groups involved in breathing.

4. Create a Distraction by Listening to Music, Reading a Book, or Playing a Game on Your Phone

Listening to soothing music can help soothe your nerves and reduce anxiety.

Choose calming music that matches your current mood – for example, something gentle if you’re feeling calm but need a bit of extra relaxation, or something. Another strategy you can use, if you are flying frequently, is always listening to the same playlist when flying. It will help you to get into the right flying mood — I, personally, do so to fall asleep much more easily while on the plane.

Read more:

Seats on an Emirates flight
Seats on an Emirates flight

5. Talk to Someone About Your Worries in Order to Gain Perspective

Because talking helps, as simple as that.

Talking with someone you trust can help you see things more clearly and feel better. They might be able to give you some good ideas about what to do based on their own experience with flying. This could help reduce how anxious you feel.

6. Educate Yourself About Flying So You Can Be More Comfortable With the Process

We are more afraid of things we don’t understand.

Educating yourself about flying can help alleviate some of your fears and make the process more comfortable. By understanding how airplanes work, familiarizing yourself with safety procedures, and learning what happens during each step of the flight, you will be better equipped to manage your anxiety and enjoy your journey in the air.

7. Make Sure You Get Enough Rest Before Traveling and Eat Healthy Snacks During the Flight

Two simple and important strategies for managing nervousness while flying.

Proper sleep helps to reduce stress and improve concentration, while having healthy snacks on hand can help keep your energy levels up and make sure you don’t become overwhelmed by hunger. Eating well-balanced meals in the days leading up to your flight will also ensure that you have plenty of fuel for the journey ahead.

8. Remind Yourself That Flying Is One of the Safest Forms of Transportation Available Today

Yes – flying is one of the safest forms of transportation available today.

Despite the fact that there are risks associated with any form of travel, modern airplanes have come a long way in terms of safety and reliability. In addition, airlines employ highly trained professionals who take great care to ensure all passengers arrive safely at their destination. Understanding these facts can help reduce some of your anxiety when it comes time to board a plane.

The Bottom Line

Flying can be a stressful experience, especially if you are prone to anxiety.

However, by taking the time to practice self-care and prepare for your flight with these strategies in mind, it is possible to manage your stress levels while flying. Whether it’s deep breathing exercises or talking about your worries with someone close to you, there are many ways to reduce nervousness when traveling. With the right knowledge at hand, you can enjoy your journey without worrying too much about safety risks associated with air travel.

Enjoy your next flight!

About the author:

Co-founder and Chief Editor at Connecting Flights Guide

Kaspars is a digital nomad and travel blogger who’s been traveling the world extensively since 2013. Since 2017, Kaspars has been writing about the less-known aspects of air travel, things like air passenger rights laws and regulations. He’s really good at simplifying complex concepts and making them easily understandable. Kaspars favorite airlines are Qatar Airways and Turkish Airlines.


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